Thanksgiving and Christmas rolled around.
Pics of Thanksgiving and Christmas
aren't quite as exciting in May,
(if ever--LOL)
aren't quite as exciting in May,
(if ever--LOL)
are they?
Top down:
Triston & Nicolas,
Geo and Josh,
Linda and David,
Me and Linda
Top down:
Brandy, Linda, Geo & Tracy,
Josh and Sheri,
Michael and me,
Preston, Tracy, Brandy
Crystal and Nicolas
Ditto for Christmas!
if you insist.
Some granddude pics!
Triston & Preston
Bow-Head Nicolas
This is proof that he takes after his Dad!
I have the photos to prove it.
All three marvelous, happy granddudes!
Suddenly the year was over!
Happy New Year!
The end of January, we celebrated
Smiling Nicolas' 1st birthday!
Sadly, we weren't able to stay for the
entire party. Geo had to work.
We enjoyed visiting with everyone though,
especially the birthday boy!
Nicolas with his sweet Aunt Jacqueline
Two Grandpas and a Bottle Drinking Baby.
Geo, Jim and Nicolas
Moving right along,
Spring arrived with delightful splendor!
Eye candy right in our backyard!
Your yard too, I'm sure.
The Bradford Pears were stunning in full bloom!
A cute little bird built her quaint nest in
the birdhouse below which is attached to the
To be continued in the next post:
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
story of the birdhouse.