Saturday, April 13, 2019

Kerrville, TX Area, Part 2~A Little Comfort

During our stay in Kerrville, we all wandered over to the tiny town of Comfort (population 2,363 as of 2010). The first order of the day was literally an order... of food! We enjoyed a tasty lunch at High's Cafe & Store, and I must say that High's House Salad with a scoop of chicken salad was quite yummy!

We did some meandering around the town.
The guys loved these pretty Cobra sports cars!

We had to wipe the drool off these beauties 
once the guys were finished eyeballing them. 
Talk about a spit shine!

Strolling down the sidewalk, we spotted the sign below sitting on a path, off to the side, all by its lonesome self. The arrow was telling us which way to go, and when arrows speak, we listen! 

Okay, we listen sometimes and
today was our day to listen!

We came upon this interesting cubby hole 
of a building with a creative topper!

The cubby hole building was just a few steps across from the building below where we talked to a nice fellow who gave us a rundown of the events that would be taking place in a few hours--a crawfish boil and live band. 
We were also invited to tour Hill Country Distillers which was also not many steps away. 

A giant vat of mash.
It sure has a LOT of jalapeƱos in it!

The distillery is a very small place 
consisting of basically two main rooms.

Kegs stored up high. 
You can see them in the pic above off to the right.

We weren't able to stay for the festivities but perhaps we can do so another time when we're in the area.

After the distiller's tour, the kind gentlemen directed us across a side street to his favorite shop--an antique place called The 8th Street Market.

A sign with another arrow greeted us.

Just inside the main entrance, we found the

It was an inviting shop with enticing baked goods!
And there's George!

Linda & Sandy chatting as George 
looks on and Charlie peruses the sweets.
Joe was somewhere around!

The antique market was large with lots of cool stuff inside, and there were several more buildings of stuff out back.

Comfort turned out to be a very nice day trip! In fact, I look forward to visiting another time. 


We spotted this cash register in another antique shop. Yes, it's from The Golden Nugget in Vegas, and it was quite an eye catcher to say the least! 
The photo does not convey the true GOLDEN SHINE of this special cash box!

This fence on the side of a pizza patio is a slice (pun intended) of Comfort's rustic small town charm.

Last, but certainly not least, this pic begs the question:
Does this garter make my butt look big? 



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